“Hate is a burden that only weighs down the hater.” – Maya Angelou

“Hate corrodes the container it’s carried in.” – Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel

“Hate is a fire that consumes the soul.” – Unknown

“Hate is like acid, it damages the vessel in which it is stored and destroys the vessel on which it is poured.” – Ann Landers

“Hate interrupts the life of the hater, not the hated.” – Unknown

“Hate is a poison that slowly kills the heart.” – Unknown

“Hate brings darkness, not light.” – Unknown

“Hate blinds the eyes of the hater, preventing them from seeing the truth.” – Unknown

“Hate is a bitter pill to swallow.” – Unknown

“Hate is a prison that holds the hater captive.” – Unknown

“Hate wastes energy that could be used for love.” – Unknown HAPPY ANNIVERSARY TO MY DAUGHTER AND SON IN LAW QUOTES

“Hate creates a barrier that prevents understanding.” – Unknown

“Hate divides, love unites.” – Unknown

“Hate destroys the hater more than the hated.” – Martin Luther King Jr.

“Hate breeds hate, but love conquers all.” – Unknown

“Hate is the absence of love, not its opposite.” – Unknown

“Hate is the product of fear and ignorance.” – Unknown

“Hate is the weapon of the weak, not the strong.” – Unknown

“Hate is a futile attempt to exert power over others.” – Unknown

“Hate is a prison that shackles the hater to their own unhappiness.” – Unknown

“Hate is a choice, but love is the only true salvation.” – Unknown