“Wax on, wax off.” – Mr. Miyagi

“Don’t let the world tell you how to shine.” – Unknown

“Life is like a candle, you can choose to burn brightly or slowly waste away.” – Unknown

“Without the dark, we’d never see the stars.” – Unknown

“A candle loses nothing by lighting another candle.” – James Keller

“Be the flame that burns brighter in the dark.” – Unknown

“Don’t be afraid to shine. The world needs your light.” – Unknown

“Embrace the fire within you and let it lead the way.” – Unknown

“In a world of darkness, be the light.” – Unknown

“The brightest flames burn from the inside.” – Unknown

“Your light is your power, don’t ever dim it for anyone.” – Unknown

“Shine so bright that others can’t help but be inspired by your radiance.” – Unknown

“Don’t settle for a flicker when you can radiate like a bonfire.” – Unknown

“In a world full of shadows, dare to be the one who shines.” – Unknown

“Sunsets are proof that there is always beauty in endings.” – Unknown MISSING INTIMACY QUOTES

“Your light will guide others out of the darkness.” – Unknown

“The world needs your light now more than ever.” – Unknown

“A single candle can light up a room; a single soul can light up the world.” – Unknown

“Don’t be afraid to let your light shine, even in the darkest of times.” – Unknown

“Be a beacon of hope, even when the storm rages on.” – Unknown

“Your light will illuminate the darkest corners of your dreams.” – Unknown

“Life is a journey, lighting the way with your heart and soul.” – Unknown

“Don’t let the fear of burning out keep you from shining your brightest.” – Unknown

“Every candle that gets lit, lights up the world a little bit.” – Unknown

“Let your dreams ignite your path, and your passion fuel your fire.” – Unknown

“The beauty of a candle lies in its ability to give light without ever diminishing.” – Unknown

“Don’t underestimate the power of a small flame, it can ignite a wildfire.” – Unknown

“Dare to be the flame that never fades, but instead burns brighter with time.” – Unknown

“Embrace the flame within you, for it is the source of your true power.” – Unknown