“DNA is like a computer program but far, far more advanced than any software ever created.” – Bill Gates

“DNA is the ultimate forensic evidence.” – James D. Watson

“DNA is a masterpiece of engineering and art.” – Francis Collins

“DNA is the molecule of life. It contains the instructions that make us who we are.” – Katherine Johnson

“DNA makes us human; it’s the blueprint of our existence.” – Mayim Bialik

“DNA is the code of life, the information that makes us who we are.” – Neil deGrasse Tyson

“DNA is the book of life that tells the story of our evolution.” – Richard Dawkins

“DNA is the blueprint for our biology and the history of our species.” – Svante Pääbo

“DNA is the language in which God created life.” – Francis Collins

“DNA is the thread that connects all living organisms.” – James D. Watson

“DNA is the molecule that carries the genetic information of all life on Earth.” – Rosalind Franklin

“DNA is the building block of life, the recipe that determines our physical and genetic characteristics.” – Katherine Johnson

“DNA is the key to our genetic heritage, unlocking the secrets of our past and shaping our future.” – Neil deGrasse Tyson BEST QUOTES ABOUT NEW ORLEANS IN A CONFEDERACY OF DUNCES

“DNA is the fuel that drives the engine of evolution.” – Richard Dawkins

“DNA is the foundation of biology, the code that allows life to exist.” – Svante Pääbo

“DNA is the language of life, the incredible molecule that holds the instructions for building and operating every living thing.” – Francis Collins

“DNA is the passport to the future, the book that tells the story of our potential.” – James D. Watson

“DNA is the ultimate record keeper, storing the history of life on Earth.” – Rosalind Franklin

“DNA is the masterpiece of nature, the result of billions of years of evolution.” – Katherine Johnson

“DNA is the blueprint for existence, the map that guides the development of every living organism.” – Neil deGrasse Tyson

“DNA is the secret code that unlocks the mysteries of genetics.” – Richard Dawkins

“DNA is the library of life, containing the instructions for every aspect of our existence.” – Svante Pääbo

“DNA is the recipe for humanity, holding the key to our past, present, and future.” – Francis Collins

“DNA is the ultimate truth teller, revealing the secrets of our biological identity.” – James D. Watson