“Life goes on, and the world keeps turning, regardless of what challenges we face.” – Unknown

“No matter how hard life gets, always remember that it goes on, and so must you.” – Unknown

“Life goes on, whether we choose to move on and take a chance, or stay stuck in the past.” – Unknown

“Life goes on, with or without you. So, make the most of every moment and live it to the fullest.” – Unknown

“Life goes on, and we must adapt and embrace the changes that come our way.” – Unknown

“In the midst of chaos, don’t forget that life goes on. It’s up to you to find peace and keep moving forward.” – Unknown

“Life goes on, and every setback is an opportunity to grow stronger and wiser.” – Unknown

“Life goes on, and the sun will rise again, bringing new hope and possibilities.” – Unknown

“No matter how difficult life gets, never forget that it goes on, and so can your happiness.” – Unknown

“Life goes on, and every day is a chance to start fresh and make a difference.” – Unknown

“Life goes on, and the best way to honor those we’ve lost is to live our lives to the fullest.” – Unknown

“No matter what happens, life goes on, and it’s up to us to make the most of it.” – Unknown

“Life goes on, and every ending is just a new beginning waiting to unfold.” – Unknown QUOTES FOR LAZY PERSON

“Don’t be afraid of change, because life goes on, and it’s meant to be lived to the fullest.” – Unknown

“Life goes on, and the toughest storms only make us stronger and more resilient.” – Unknown

“It’s never too late to start over and live the life you’ve always wanted. Remember, life goes on.” – Unknown

“Life goes on, and there’s always something beautiful waiting around the corner if you keep moving forward.” – Unknown

“No matter what challenges you face, remember that life goes on, and so must you.” – Unknown

“Life goes on, and every setback is just another opportunity to rise above and shine.” – Unknown

“Life goes on, and the struggles we face only make our victories sweeter.” – Unknown

“No matter how hard you try to control life, it will always find a way to surprise you and keep going.” – Unknown

“Life goes on, and every day is a chance to rewrite your story and start anew.” – Unknown

“Life goes on, and the only way to keep up is to keep moving forward.” – Unknown

“No matter what challenges you face, never forget that life goes on, and you are capable of overcoming anything.” – Unknown