“Respect your efforts, respect yourself. Self-respect leads to self-discipline. When you have both firmly under your belt, that’s real power.” – Clint Eastwood

“Respect for ourselves guides our morals, respect for others guides our manners.” – Laurence Sterne

“A lack of boundaries invites a lack of respect.” – Anonymous

“The truest form of disrespect is indifference.” – Anonymous

“Respect begins with understanding.” – Anonymous

“Disrespect is the real epidemic, infecting our society with negativity and division.” – Anonymous

“Respect yourself enough to walk away from anything or anyone that no longer serves you, grows you, or makes you happy.” – Robert Tew

“Respect is earned. Honesty is appreciated. Trust is gained. Loyalty is returned.” – Anonymous

“Disrespect is not the way to gain respect. Treat others how you would like to be treated.” – Anonymous

“People who do not respect themselves will eventually disrespect others.” – Anonymous

“The moment you disrespect yourself, others are more likely to follow suit.” – Anonymous

“When you disrespect somebody, you tell the world that you believe you are better than them, and that is pure arrogance.” – Anonymous

“Respecting others’ opinions doesn’t mean being submissive or weak. It means you value the diversity of human ideas.” – Anonymous CHRISTMAS PARTY QUOTES FOR COMPANY

“You cannot demand respect, you must earn it with your actions and behavior.” – Anonymous

“Disrespect should never be tolerated. Stand up for yourself and others by promoting a culture of respect.” – Anonymous

“The greatest form of disrespect is to disregard someone’s worth and humanity.” – Anonymous

“In a society that values respect, disrespect is a sign of weakness.” – Anonymous

“True leaders show respect to earn respect.” – Anonymous

“Disrespectful behavior poisons relationships faster than any other negative trait.” – Anonymous

“Showing respect to others is a demonstration of your own character and values.” – Anonymous

“Respect is the cornerstone of any healthy relationship, without which it crumbles.” – Anonymous

“Disrespect is like a boomerang; it always comes back around.” – Anonymous

“The moment you disrespect someone, you forfeit your right to be respected in return.” – Anonymous

“Respect is not weakness; it is a sign of strength and empathy.” – Anonymous

“The way we treat others reflects not on them but on ourselves. Choose respect.” – Anonymous