“It hurts to see the person you desire, not desiring you.”

“It’s heart-wrenching when your heart longs for someone who doesn’t feel the same.”

“The pain is unbearable when your heart screams for someone who can’t hear its voice.”

“My heart silently weeps as it yearns for a love that will never be.”

“Sometimes, the biggest disappointment is realizing your heart chose someone who doesn’t choose you back.”

“I wish I could unlove someone who never loved me back.”

“Knowing you’ll never be the reason for their smiles is a heartbreak that lingers.”

“My heart aches for someone who will never know the depth of my feelings.”

“It’s painful to hold onto someone who doesn’t even have a grip on your heart.”

“Unrequited love is like walking through a beautiful garden that withers your soul.”

“Tears become the language of the heart when your crush becomes a painful reminder of unreciprocated love.”

“Sometimes, it’s easier to be invisible than to constantly be seen by someone who doesn’t see you.” INSPIRATIONAL QUOTES ABOUT BREAST CANCER AWARENESS

“Hope becomes a cruel companion when it lingers despite knowing your crush will never be more than a crush.”

“The heart feels heavy when it realizes that it will always be just an observer in the life of someone it cherishes.”

“The sound of their laughter is both beautiful and crushing, as it’s a sound I’ll never be the reason for.”

“Love’s greatest tragedy is when the person who ignited the flame can’t feel its warmth.”

“My heart dances to a song that only plays in my imagination, for my crush will never be my dance partner.”

“The pain of unrequited love is a reminder that not every story has a happy ending.”

“They say loving someone who doesn’t love you back is a choice, but my heart doesn’t seem to understand logic.”

“A thousand ‘I’m fine’ but deep down, I ache for a love that will never be reciprocated.”

“Crushing on someone who doesn’t like you back feels like a game of hide-and-seek with no real victory.”

“Every time I see them, I smile through the pain, knowing my crush will forever remain a bittersweet memory.”