“You disappoint me, Edward. When your treachery is discovered, you will be dealt with accordingly.”

“Time is a luxury we can no longer afford.”

“I am the architect of their perfection!”

“You cannot imagine the flavor of this liquid until you taste it. It is…how you say…liquid power.”

“You have no honor! Honorable men do not experiment on living beings!”

“Do not dare touch me again! You would not like the outcome.”

“I know everything you will ever do, Nikolai. I know your every step before you ever make it.”

“Do you notice how I’m surrounded by the undead? I’m the one who’s trapped, not you!”

“Today is the day we break free from Richtofen’s grip. Today is the day we reclaim our humanity.”

“The paradox must be resolved. The loop must be closed.”

“Kill them all and keep going. I am not good w ith children.” WEDDING ANNIVERSARY WISHES QUOTES TO HUSBAND

“You are foolish to expect me to give you something for nothing. You will be rewarded handsomely for your services.”

“Even in darkness, there is light. Sometimes just one candle can save you from the darkness.”

“I always knew you would meet a bad end. I just never fathomed the bad end would be my own.”

“I am many things, but I am not a liar.”

“I’m beginning to think you’ve embraced nihilism, Nikolai. I think it might be the lack of vodka.”

“I walk a path no other can take. I alone can lead us to our salvation.”

“You will soon regret your arrogance, Takeo. I have witnessed your death. I have seen your fate.”

“You may not remember everything, but you remember enough. And that is more than you need.”

“It is within that darkness that you will find the true light.”

“Do not fear me, for I hold your future in my hands.”