Ikigai – Meaning “reason for being” or “purpose in life.”

Natsukashii – Feeling of nostalgic longing for something or someone from the past.

Komorebi – The sunlight filtered through the leaves of trees.

Tsundoku – The act of buying books and not reading them.

Yugen – Profound sense of beauty and mystery.

Mono no aware – The bittersweet feeling of the impermanence of life.

Wabi-sabi – Appreciating the beauty of imperfection and impermanence.

Koi no yokan – The feeling of knowing that you are falling in love.

Shinrin-yoku – Forest bathing or immersing oneself in nature.

Kaizen – Continuous improvement through small changes.

Kintsukuroi – The art of repairing broken pottery with gold, emphasizing its history and beauty.

Otsukaresama desu – Phrase used to acknowledge someone’s hard work or effort. APPRECIATION THANK YOU COUNSELOR QUOTES

Sakura – Cherry blossom, symbolizing the transient nature of life.

Ganbatte – Phrase used to encourage and support someone.

Shoganai – Accepting a situation as it is, knowing that it cannot be helped or changed.

Bachido – Dedication to a craft or skill, practicing until reaching mastery.

Mottainai – Feeling of regret for wasting something, usually related to resources or opportunities.

Yugen fukinsei – Appreciating the beauty in asymmetry and imperfection.

Chouto hanpa – Balancing things evenly, finding a middle ground or compromise.

Shinjitsu – Truth or reality, seeking the essence of things.

Zen – State of calm and mindful awareness.

Ganbaru – To persevere and do your best, even in difficult situations.

O-genki desu ka? – Phrase used to ask “How are you?”