“I promise to annoy you for the rest of our lives together, will you marry me?”

“Will you be the one to rescue me from all these single people problems? Marry me!”

“You drive me crazy, but in a good way. Let’s make it official, marry me?”

“I can’t promise to always put the toilet seat down, but I can promise to love you forever. Marry me?”

“I must warn you, my cooking skills are questionable. But I promise to always try. Marry me?”

“Life is too short to go through it alone. Marry me and let’s take on the world together!”

“I may not be perfect, but together we can achieve perfectly weird couple goals. Marry me!”

“I propose that we become a team, recklessly adorable and ridiculously weird. Will you marry me?”

“I promise to always make you laugh, even if it’s at my own expense. Marry me?”

“I can’t promise to always agree with you, but I can promise to stand by your side. Marry me?”

“Let’s be that couple who always embarrasses their kids. Marry me and let the fun begin!”

“I’m not good with words, so let’s just cut to the chase. Marry me already!”

“I promise to never fight over the TV remote and always let you have it. Will you marry me?” BEAUTIFUL SOUL GONE TOO SOON REST IN PEACE QUOTES

“I may not be a superhero, but I can be your partner in crime. Marry me?”

“Life is too short for boring relationships. Let’s make ours epic. Marry me?”

“I may not be the richest person in the world, but I can offer you a lifetime of love and laughter. Marry me?”

“I promise to be the one who always takes out the garbage. Will you marry me?”

“I may not be the most organized person, but I promise to make our lives an adventure. Marry me?”

“I can’t promise to always remember anniversaries, but I can promise to never forget how much I love you. Marry me?”

“I promise to always be the one to eat the last slice of pizza. Marry me?”

“I may not always remember where I left my keys, but I promise to always remember how much you mean to me. Marry me?”

“I may not be a morning person, but I promise to always wake up next to you with a smile. Marry me?”

“I can’t promise to always surprise you, but I can promise to always be there for you. Marry me?”

“Let’s make our love story the envy of romantic comedies. Marry me and let’s write our own happily ever after!”