“Heroes never die, they’re just forgotten.” – Kayle

“The world is cruel, but laughter in the face of despair is what separates us from despair itself.” – Morgana

“The cycle of life and death continues. We will live, they will die.” – Nasus

“Suffering is magic.” – Swain

“The lonely road is the only way home.” – Akali

“In the end, I will be consumed by the darkness.” – Yorick

“In the abyss between moments, all is laid bare.” – Thresh

“Every heart has its own scar.” – Riven

“There’s plenty of me to go around.” – Katarina

“People don’t die when they are killed, they die when they are forgotten.” – Jhin

“Time for a true display of skill.” – Master Yi

“The weight of this crown is more than I can bear alone.” – Jarvan IV

“Forgiveness is hard, but it is the path to redemption.” – Yasuo

“Do not fear death, for the unliving have no purpose.” – Hecarim CONGRATULATIONS QUOTES FOR FRIENDS SUCCESS

“Out of the chaos, true beauty will emerge.” – Janna

“Winter is a time for comfort, for good food and warmth, for the touch of a friendly hand and for a talk beside the fire: it is the time for home.” – Ashe

“The remembrance is fleeting, but the loss is forever.” – Karthus

“The world began in darkness, and it will end in darkness.” – Nocturne

“Darkness cannot abide light, but it can always be found.” – Zed

“Every other death should bring us closer to salvation.” – Sion

“The sweet flowers of peace have been replaced by celestial genocide.” – Xerath

“Fly the banner high, so our souls won’t die.” – Lucian

“Only fools pledge life to honor.” – Draven

“The only way out is through.” – Graves

“Embrace the shadows, for only then will you find the light within.” – Evelynn

“There is no salvation, only darkness.” – Mordekaiser

“I keep everyone at a distance, because sooner or later, they’ll hurt me, or I’ll hurt them.” – Vayne