“Amor vincit omnia.”

(Love conquers all.)

“Nulla est medicina sine animo.”

(There is no medicine without the mind.)

“Cogito ergo sum.”

(I think, therefore I am.)

“Aut viam inveniam aut faciam.”

(I will either find a way or make one.)

(Remember that you will die.)

“Faber est suae quisque fortunae.”

(Every man is the architect of his own fortune.)

“Dum spiro spero.”

(While I breathe, I hope.)

“Virtus in medio.”

(Virtue lies in the middle.)

(Dare to be wise.)

“Nemo bis punitur pro uno delicto.”

(No one is twice punished for one offense.)

“Audi, vide, tace, si vis vivere in pace.”

(Listen, see, be silent, if you want to live in peace.) 10 YEAR ANNIVERSARY QUOTES TO HUSBAND FUNNY

“Fortes fortuna adiuvat.”

(Fortune favors the brave.)

“In vino veritas.”

(In wine, there is truth.)

“Non ducor, duco.”

(I am not led, I lead.)

“Dum vita est, spes est.”

(While there is life, there is hope.)

“Acta non verba.”

(Deeds, not words.)

“Nihil novi sub sole.”

(There is nothing new under the sun.)

“Labor omnia vincit.”

(Hard work conquers all things.)

“In hoc signo vinces.”

(In this sign, you will conquer.)

“Deus ex machina.”

(A god from the machine.)