“He who dares, wins… and a little bit of festive fudge wouldn’t go amiss either!” – Del Boy

“Merry Christmas, you plonkers!” – Del Boy

“Christmas wouldn’t be Christmas without some nice plonk and a turkey bigger than Del’s ego!” – Rodney

“It’s Christmas, Rodney. You know, the time of year when we all get together and win the jackpot!” – Del Boy

“Christmas is all about family, and it’s nice to be reminded that ours is dysfunctional.” – Rodney

“Marrying into that Trotter madness… well, it’s one way of keeping Christmas exciting!” – Raquel

“In our family, Christmas is all about eating too much, spending too much, and generally making fools of ourselves. It’s tradition!” – Del Boy

“Dressing up as Santa Claus and delivering presents… it’s like Del’s one night of the year when he can actually behave decently!” – Rodney

“Christmas is the time to forgive and forget… unless it’s about who ate the last mince pie!” – Trigger

“Oh, Rodney, don’t worry about the presents. It’s the thought that counts… unless it’s a thought of giving me socks again!” – Del Boy

“Christmas is the perfect time to show our loved ones how much we care… by giving them a knock-off Rolex!” – Boycie

“Christmas is a time for miracles… like Del actually paying his share of the Christmas dinner!” – Rodney ONE OF THE BEST NIGHTS OF MY LIFE QUOTES

“Christmas markets? Who needs ’em? We’ve got Del Boy’s stockroom!” – Denzil

“Christmas should be about happiness and joy… but for us, it’s about Del’s dodgy deals and getting chased by irate customers!” – Mickey Pearce

“Christmas dinner is not just about the food, it’s about the company… and for some reason, the company always ends up at our place!” – Grandad

“Christmas is the time for generosity, so let me be generous… you can have the sprouts, Rodney!” – Del Boy

“Christmas is the season of goodwill and peace… unless you’re in the Nag’s Head on Christmas Eve!” – Trigger

“You know it’s Christmas when Del starts organizing a promo for ‘Cushty Caravans’ in the middle of winter!” – Mickey Pearce

“Christmas lights are supposed to brighten up the season… but Del’s managed to start a power outage in the whole street!” – Raquel

“Christmas always brings out the best in people… and Del’s never missed an opportunity to take advantage!” – Boycie

“Christmas is a time for reflection and gratitude… especially when you realize you’ve been buying dodgy goods from Del for years!” – Rodney

“Christmas is the time to be thankful… thankful that we’re still alive after another one of Del’s hare-brained schemes!” – Grandad