“I work hard so that my dog can have a better life.”

“I work hard because millions of people on welfare depend on me.”

“Work hard, nap hard.”

“I don’t work hard, I just act like I do so they’ll give me more money.”

“I work hard because someone has to pay for my Netflix subscription.”

“Work hard, nap harder.”

“I work hard to support my coffee addiction.”

“I work hard because someday my boss will ask me if I want to be executive or extra fries.”

“I don’t work hard, I work smart. Just kidding, I work hard.”

“I work hard because I know there’s a happy hour waiting for me at the end of the day.”

“I don’t work hard for the money, I work hard so I can afford to be lazy.” 14 INSPIRATIONAL QUOTES ABOUT GEEK

“I work hard because nachos aren’t gonna buy themselves.”

“I work hard because someone has to keep the coffee machine running.”

“I work hard so my dog can have a luxurious life. Just kidding, I don’t have a dog.”

“I work hard because who else will make terrible decisions on the dance floor at 3 a.m.?”

“I don’t work hard, I work enthusiastically…when it’s time to go home.”

“I work hard because shopping is my cardio.”

“I work hard so I can afford all the snacks I eat while pretending to work.”

“I work hard because my dream is to retire early and never work again.”

“I work hard so I can afford to take spontaneous naps during lunch breaks.”