“No consent means you don’t want something to happen. But it also means you can’t say yes to something you want. Like if you want to be immortal.”

“She never had a choice about any of it. Even death.”

“Henrietta’s cells were taken without her knowledge or consent.”

“The story of Henrietta’s cells raises important questions about medical ethics and informed consent.”

“No one asked us about anything; they just took what they wanted.”

“Henrietta’s lack of consent raises questions about the rights of individuals over their own biological materials.”

“Her cells were taken and used without her consent, yet they became one of the greatest scientific breakthroughs.”

“Her cells were taken without her consent, and her family was never even informed.”

“The issue of consent becomes even more complicated when considering the consent of a deceased person.”

“Many questions arise about the use of Henrietta’s cells without her consent in medical research.”

“This raises serious ethical concerns about the lack of informed consent and the exploitation of individuals’ bodies.” FAMOUS QUOTES ABOUT OLD AGE

“The story of Henrietta Lacks highlights the importance of informed consent in medical research.”

“Henrietta’s lack of consent demonstrates the historical disregard for the autonomy and dignity of African-American patients.”

“Without conscious consent, we have no control over how our bodies are used, even after death.”

“Henrietta’s cells were used for ground-breaking research without her consent, highlighting the exploitation of marginalized communities.”

“The lack of consent in Henrietta’s case underscores the need for strict regulations to protect individuals’ rights over their own genetic materials.”

“Her story reminds us of the importance of informed consent and the need for ethical guidelines in medical research.”

“The lack of consent in Henrietta’s case raises questions about the intersection of race, poverty, and medical ethics.”

“Henrietta’s cells continue to be used without her consent, raising concerns about privacy and ownership of biological materials.”

“The story of Henrietta Lacks serves as a reminder that consent is a fundamental right and must be respected in all aspects of medical research.”