“I wonder where the soul goes when we die, Harry. I’m sending mine up to observable planets, singing Karaoke on the way.” – Kim Kitsuragi

“You are by far the most talented and promising detective I have ever seen. You are a champion of the hopeless. A small God of justice. Like I said, you belong to the world, and it belongs to you.” – Measurehead

“Reality is a give and take, detective. A constant struggle between all the living things in it. And we’re just one living thing. Doing our best to survive.” – Joyce Messier

“Dot your I’s, cross your T’s, and never let a detail slip past you. It may be small, but it just might solve your mystery.” – Rene Arnoux

“It’s alright to make mistakes, detective. It’s how we grow, develop, and become better versions of ourselves. Embrace your failures, and learn from them.” – Garte

“We can never truly understand the depth of another person’s pain or struggles. That’s why empathy and compassion are so vital in this world.” – Lilienne Villete

“Sometimes the hardest person to forgive is yourself. But it’s a necessary step towards healing and moving forward.” – Rosemary

“The world is chaotic, detective. But in the chaos, there’s beauty and opportunity. Embrace it.” – Evrart Claire

“The truth can be elusive, detective. It takes a keen eye and an open mind to uncover it.” – Jean Vicquemare

“Life is ephemeral, and the moments we have are fleeting. Treasure them, for they make up the fabric of who we are.” – Lena

“There’s power in vulnerability, detective. It takes strength to face our deepest fears and insecurities.” – Klaasje

“Our actions ripple through time, shaping the world around us. Be conscious of the impact you have on others.” – Ruby

“The mind is a labyrinth, detective. Explore its depths, and you may find answers to questions you didn’t even know existed.” – Gary

“Every person you meet has a story to tell. Take the time to listen, for their words may hold profound wisdom.” – Cindy the Skull

“Dance like no one is watching, detective. Let go of inhibitions and embrace the joy of movement.” – Evrart Claire

“Life is an ever-evolving journey, detective. Embrace change, and allow yourself to grow.” – Measurehead QUOTES ABOUT REVISING

“The road to redemption is long and challenging, but it’s never too late to start walking it.” – Garte

“Our past mistakes do not define us, detective. We have the power to shape our present and future.” – Lena

“Sometimes, all it takes is a small act of kindness to brighten someone’s day.” – Ruby

“Honesty is the cornerstone of trust, detective. Be open with others, and they will be open with you.” – Cindy the Skull

“Love is a force that can overcome the darkest of times. Cherish it, for it’s a rare and precious gift.” – Klaasje

“There’s beauty in imperfection, detective. Embrace your flaws, for they make you unique.” – Rosemary

“Sometimes, the answers we seek are hidden in plain sight. We just need to open our eyes to see them.” – Evrart Claire

“Revenge may provide temporary satisfaction, but forgiveness brings lasting peace.” – Lilienne Villete

“The world is full of mysteries, detective. Embrace them, and you may uncover profound truths.” – Gary

“Success is not defined by material possessions or achievements. It’s about finding fulfillment and happiness within.” – Jean Vicquemare

“Time is a precious commodity, detective. Use it wisely, for it’s a finite resource.” – Ruby

“Learning is a lifelong journey, detective. Never stop seeking knowledge and striving for self-improvement.” – Garte

“The world can be a dark and chaotic place, but it’s up to us to bring light and order to it.” – Joyce Messier

“In the end, what truly matters is how we have loved and been loved. Everything else fades away.” – Measurehead