“I used to think a wedding was a simple affair. Boy and girl meet, they fall in love, he buys a ring, she buys a dress, they say I do. I was wrong. That’s getting married. A wedding is an entirely different proposition.”

“It was every father’s dream, to see his little girl a bride, but nobody warned me about the cost.”

“Just when I thought things couldn’t get any worse, I realized I still had to pay for it all.”

“In that moment, I realized that my little girl was all grown up. It was both a joy and a heartache.”

“It’s funny how life works. One day you’re changing diapers, the next you’re paying for a wedding.”

“I never thought I would have to compete with a wedding planner for my daughter’s attention.”

“Is it too much to ask for a simple wedding, without all the frills and expenses?”

“I may not have all the money in the world, but I would give everything I have for my daughter’s happiness.”

“Being a father means always putting your children’s happiness above your own.”

“Watching my daughter walk down the aisle was the proudest moment of my life.”

“A wedding is a celebration of two families coming together, and the price tag shouldn’t overshadow that.”

“Love is priceless, but weddings certainly have a price tag.” CHEESY MOTHERS DAY QUOTES

“The best gift a father can give his daughter is his love and support, not an extravagant wedding.”

“Weddings are not about the flowers, the venue or the cake. They are about two people promising to love and cherish each other for a lifetime.”

“Weddings are fleeting, but the memories will last a lifetime.”

“Marriage is not about the perfect wedding, but about the imperfect journey two people embark on together.”

“The size of the wedding doesn’t determine the strength of the marriage.”

“As a father, all I want is for my daughter to be happy. Whether that means a big wedding or a small one, it doesn’t matter.”

“Money can’t buy happiness, but it can buy a pretty extravagant wedding.”

“The best part of a wedding is not the decorations or the food, but the love and joy shared between two people.”

“I may have had to take out a second mortgage to pay for this wedding, but seeing my daughter’s smile is worth every penny.”

“In the end, it’s not about how much money is spent, but the love and commitment between the couple that truly matters.”