“We’re on a mission from God.” – Jake Blues, The Blues Brothers

“God doesn’t call the equipped, He equips the called.” – Unknown

“Our mission is not to convert others to our beliefs, but to inspire them to find their own truth.” – Unknown

“When God assigns you a mission, He will equip you with everything you need to accomplish it.” – Unknown

“Our mission is to bring light where there is darkness, hope where there is despair, and love where there is hatred.” – Unknown

“When we are aligned with God’s mission, we experience true fulfillment.” – Unknown

“We are vessels of God’s love, sent on a mission to spread it to all corners of the world.” – Unknown

“Our mission is not to judge, but to love unconditionally just as God loves us.” – Unknown

“God’s mission for us is not always easy, but it is always worth it.” – Unknown

“We are God’s hands and feet, called to serve and bring His Kingdom to Earth.” – Unknown

“Every day is a new opportunity to fulfill God’s mission for our lives.” – Unknown

“We are ambassadors of God’s grace, tasked with sharing His love wherever we go.” – Unknown BEST QUOTES ABOUT SPACE HEINLEIN

“God’s mission never expires; as long as we are alive, there is work to be done.” – Unknown

“We may face challenges on our mission, but God’s strength is made perfect in our weakness.” – Unknown

“Let us boldly step forward, knowing that we are on a mission from the Creator of the universe.” – Unknown

“We are not here by accident, we were chosen by God to carry out His divine mission.” – Unknown

“Our mission is not to be successful in the world’s eyes, but to be obedient to God’s calling.” – Unknown

“God’s mission for us is not a burden, but a privilege to participate in His redemptive plan.” – Unknown

“We are not alone on our mission; God goes before us, beside us, and behind us.” – Unknown

“God’s mission for us is not limited to a specific location or time; it is a lifelong journey.” – Unknown

“Our mission is to be a reflection of God’s love, mercy, and grace in a broken world.” – Unknown

“We may never fully understand God’s plan, but we can trust that we are on a mission guided by His infinite wisdom.” – Unknown