“Memories, even your most precious ones, fade surprisingly quickly. But I don’t go along with that. The memories I value most, I don’t ever see them fading.” – Tommy

“We took away your art because we thought it would reveal your souls. Or to put it more finely, we did it to prove you had souls at all.” – Tommy

“Maybe it’s true that when we meet somebody for the first time, we really are meeting the person we will marry.” – Tommy

“I thought it was just about music. I didn’t think there was anything else to it.” – Tommy

“You can’t cling to the past. Because no matter how tightly you hold on, it’s already gone.” – Tommy

“We were brought up like that, weren’t we? To believe in art for art’s sake. It never occurred to us to ask ourselves what art was for.” – Tommy

“We all complete. Maybe none of us really understand what we’ve lived through, or feel we’ve had enough time.” – Tommy

“I had a very strong feeling, standing there, of being in the presence of something very mysterious.” – Tommy

“There was something nice about dreaming of someone else–someone more normal.” – Tommy

“It’s how memories are split up and sorted and then put together again.” – Tommy

“We took Ruth’s dream and we used that to build mine.” – Tommy

“Some of the things I’m going to say were actually his words, and I’ve tried to stick as closely as I could to what he actually said.” – Tommy

“There could be no true art without a certain level of pain.” – Tommy

“I suppose none of us like to think of ourselves as bad people, whatever we might be doing.” – Tommy

“We went on silent for the rest of the journey, but at some point Tommy made his move. I think it was him required some help with his geography.” – Tommy

“Nothing can be reversed. Nothing can ever be undone.” – Tommy FAMOUS QUOTES ABOUT BEING FRIENDLY AND HELPFUL

“What I’m sure of though is this: You were cover driving. I saw you break into that impossibly wide smile of yours.” – Tommy

“Maybe it was a scene like this that made Tommy first start thinking about what was really going on.” – Tommy

“No one likes to think about that sort of thing too much.” – Tommy

“We didn’t value our own words enough. We just let them hang in the air for all to see.” – Tommy

“It’s quite possible to know what someone’s lips are like without kissing them.” – Tommy

“The problem was that the artworks had something to do with Tommy’s dreams… He wanted to do one big one and get it right. He wanted to close his ‘gallery’ before coming to see you in their because he didn’t want ‘garbage’ to ruin it.” – Tommy

“It’s not something you can set out to do like playing football.” – Tommy

“People can get so frightened about what they’re told about who they are. They can do awful things.” – Tommy

“You’ve depended on me too much, you’ve always taken it for granted that you should” – Tommy

“We were sheltering their souls with you, and looking for ages before that, and none of the rest of you could do it for them!” – Tommy

“Maybe it’s like what you said once: sometimes it’s enough just to know a person exists in the world.” – Tommy

“We had run from the cottage, my arms flapping along without any sense of direction.” – Tommy

“I wanna go in.” The boy’s voice was presently saying. “It’s yours. You should go in and say hello.” – Tommy

“Maybe none of us really understand what we’ve lived through, or feel we’ve had enough time.” – Tommy