“We were on a break!” – Ross

“Joey doesn’t share food!” – Joey

“I’m not great at advice. Can I interest you in a sarcastic comment?” – Chandler

“How you doin’?” – Joey

“Pivot!” – Ross

“Welcome to the real world. It sucks! You’re gonna love it.” – Monica

“Could I be wearing any more clothes?” – Joey

“They don’t know that we know they know we know!” – Phoebe

“It’s a moo point. It’s like a cow’s opinion. It just doesn’t matter. It’s moo.” – Joey

“We were just having some lemonade… AND READIN’ THE BIBLE!” – Ross

“They’re your ‘desert pants’!” – Monica FAMOUS QUOTES ABOUT LIFE BY FAMOUS PEOPLE

“I’m not being vulnerable. I don’t do that. It’s too scary!” – Chandler

“You can’t just give up! Is that what a dinosaur would do?” – Joey

“You’re my lobster.” – Phoebe

“I’m not a fan of heights or germs or stuck-ness or closed-in places or snakes. It’s a wonder I’m not afraid of yarn.” – Monica

“She’s your lobster!” – Phoebe

“I’m breezy!” – Rachel

“I’m not ashamed to say I’m a pretty bitchin’ cook.” – Monica

“When I play, I play for keeps.” – Joey

“Ross, you are so sweet. I want to cry when they use you in those diaper commercials.” – Rachel