“You don’t need to worry about saving money, just enjoy your life!”

“Why bother studying? You’ll never use that knowledge anyway.”

“Go ahead and cheat on your partner, everyone does it.”

“You should quit your job and follow your unrealistic dreams.”

“Drinking every night is totally fine, it helps you relax.”

“Don’t worry about exercising, just embrace your body as it is.”

“It’s okay to gossip about others, it’s just harmless fun.”

“Dating multiple people at once is the best way to find love.”

“Why save for retirement? You’ll figure it out when you’re older.”

“Don’t apologize, it shows weakness.”

“Ignore your responsibilities, life is too short to be responsible.”

“You don’t need to listen to others, just do what you want.”

“Taking drugs recreationally won’t cause any harm.”

“Don’t bother with personal hygiene, it’s overrated.”

“Lying is fine as long as it serves your purpose.” COMFORTING GOOD NIGHT QUOTES

“You should drop out of school, it’s a waste of time.”

“Being rude will make others respect you more.”

“Why take advice from experts when you can just wing it?”

“Procrastinate all you want, you work better under pressure.”

“Don’t save for emergencies, nothing bad will ever happen to you.”

“Never admit your mistakes, it’s a sign of weakness.”

“You should never listen to feedback, it’s just unnecessary criticism.”

“Why work hard when you can cheat your way to success?”

“Ignore your gut feeling, emotions are unreliable.”

“Don’t worry about the consequences, just do whatever feels good.”

“Sleeping around will make you popular and desirable.”

“You should never compromise, always put yourself first.”

“It’s fine to spend beyond your means, you deserve to treat yourself.”

“Follow the crowd, don’t think for yourself.”