“The best wife is the one who is the most pious.” – Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him)

“A good wife is a blessing from Allah.” – Unknown

“A wife with a good character is a gift from Allah.” – Unknown

“A good wife is one who helps her husband in his faith and encourages him to do good deeds.” – Unknown

“The best wife is one who is loyal and supportive of her husband.” – Unknown

“A good wife is one who is humble and respectful towards her husband.” – Unknown

“A wife who is patient and forgiving is a true gem.” – Unknown

“A good wife is one who strives to create a peaceful and harmonious home.” – Unknown

“A wife who is caring and compassionate towards her husband’s needs is a blessing.” – Unknown

“A good wife is one who is trustworthy and honest with her husband.” – Unknown

“A wife who is gentle and kind-hearted brings tranquility to the household.” – Unknown

“A good wife is one who sacrifices her own desires to fulfill her husband’s needs.” – Unknown

“A wife who is understanding and tolerant makes a happy marriage.” – Unknown

“A good wife is one who is constantly seeking knowledge to improve herself.” – Unknown

“A wife who supports her husband’s goals and dreams is a true partner.” – Unknown RUBY SUE CHRISTMAS VACATION QUOTES

“A good wife is one who is grateful for her husband’s efforts and expresses her appreciation.” – Unknown

“A wife who maintains her modesty and chastity is a jewel to be treasured.” – Unknown

“A good wife is one who strengthens her husband’s faith and encourages him to stay on the right path.” – Unknown

“A wife who beautifies herself for her husband shows her love and care for him.” – Unknown

“A good wife is one who is not afraid to admit her mistakes and seeks forgiveness.” – Unknown

“A wife who is content and grateful for what she has brings happiness to her home.” – Unknown

“A good wife is one who is a faithful companion and a true friend.” – Unknown

“A wife who is diligent in her obligations and responsibilities makes a strong marriage.” – Unknown

“A good wife is one who never belittles or mocks her husband, but uplifts and encourages him.” – Unknown

“A wife who respects her husband’s privacy and honors his secrets is trustworthy.” – Unknown

“A good wife is one who is always there to support and comfort her husband.” – Unknown

“A wife who is grateful to Allah for the blessings in her life becomes a source of joy for her husband.” – Unknown

“A good wife is one who balances between fulfilling her duties as a wife and striving for her own personal growth.” – Unknown

“A wife who is faithful to her husband even in his absence is a true testament of her loyalty.” – Unknown