“Behind my smile is a broken heart.”

“I sell my body, but not my worth.”

“My tears are lost in the darkness of my soul.”

“I’ve become a vessel for other people’s pleasure, while mine is left untouched.”

“My body is tired, but my spirit is shattered.”

“Every touch leaves me more hollow than before.”

“I’ve become the embodiment of society’s neglect.”

“In this world of shadows, my voice remains unheard.”

“I’m drowning in a sea of despair, clutching onto hope that never comes.”

“My body has become a commodity, my heart a forgotten relic.”

“Behind the makeup and fine clothes, lies a girl searching for love.” NO ONE KNOWS THE PAIN QUOTES

“In the arms of strangers, I search for a glimpse of humanity.”

“I’m a puzzle missing the piece that brings me peace.”

“Selling my soul, one touch at a time.”

“Solitude is my only solace, in a world that sees me as a disposable object.”

“My scars go deeper than the physical; they’re etched into my soul.”

“My worth was stolen a long time ago, and now I wander aimlessly.”

“A jigsaw puzzle of shattered dreams.”

“I bear the weight of my past in every tear that falls.”

“In these dimly lit rooms, I trade my body for scraps of affection.”

“Each night, I sell a piece of my soul for a handful of coins.”