“Once there was a tree… and she loved a little boy.”

“Take what you need, my branches will bend for you.”

“And the tree said, ‘Come, Boy, climb up my trunk and swing from my branches and be happy.'”

“I will give you my leaves to play with and shade you from the sun.”

“But time went by, and the boy grew older, and the tree was often alone.”

“And the tree said, ‘You can carve on me, if that’s what you desire.'”

“I am sorry, Boy, I have nothing left to give.”

“And the tree said, ‘I wish that I could give you more…'”

“I’m sorry, but I have nothing left to offer you.”

“I don’t need much; just a place to sit and rest.”

“The boy sat down with a tired sigh, and the tree gave him a stump to rest on.” REALLY STUPID QUOTES THAT MAKE NO SENSE

“Be happy, Boy.”

“And the tree was happy.”

“But the boy stayed away for a long time…”

“And the tree said, ‘I don’t have anything left for you, my dear.'”

“And the tree said, ‘I don’t have money. I’m just a tree.'”

“Take my apples, Boy, and sell them in the city.”

“Cut down my trunk and build yourself a boat to sail away.”

“But the boy was no longer interested in climbing trees or playing games.”

“I don’t need your apples. I need a house to keep me warm.”

“I am sorry, but I have nothing left to give… I am just an old stump.”