“Mom, you’re not just a regular mom. You’re a cool mom… and by cool I mean the coolest!” – Unknown

“Thanks for always being there to listen to my rants, whether they were about school or my latest Netflix binge.” – Unknown

“Mom, I can’t believe I didn’t appreciate your ‘mom jokes’ until now. You were way ahead of your time!” – Unknown

“Sorry for all the times I drove you crazy, but thank you for not giving up on me… or selling me to the circus.” – Unknown

“Mom, thank you for not killing me during my teenage years. I know it was tempting at times.” – Unknown

“They say a mother’s love knows no bounds, but I have a feeling your love is powered by unlimited coffee.” – Unknown

“Mom, you’ve always been my personal cheerleader… even if you didn’t always know the rules of the game.” – Unknown

“Mom, you’re like a superhero. You’ve mastered the art of finding things I’ve lost before I even know they’re missing.” – Unknown

“You may not have superpowers, but you’ve definitely mastered the art of making the best homemade cookies!” – Unknown

“Mom, I may not have turned out how you expected, but you raised me in a way that made me uniquely myself… and for that, I am grateful.” – Unknown

“To the woman who brought me into this world and still manages to embarrass me to this day: Happy Mother’s Day!” – Unknown

“Sorry for all the times I complained about your cooking, Mom. Turns out, cooking is not as easy as it looks on TV.” – Unknown FINDING WORK QUOTES

“Dear Mom, thanks for not giving up on me… even when I gave you plenty of reasons to consider it.” – Unknown

“Mom, you have the patience of a saint… or maybe just the patience of someone who hides in the bathroom for a few minutes of peace.” – Unknown

“I guess I owe you for all those times I blamed the dog for things I actually did. Sorry, Mom!” – Unknown

“Thanks for teaching me all those important life lessons… like how to perfectly procrastinate.” – Unknown

“Mom, thank you for always being my personal Google when I needed answers to life’s most random questions.” – Unknown

“Mom, you’ve always been the queen of multitasking. I still don’t know how you managed to raise me while binge-watching your favorite shows.” – Unknown

“Mom, I used to think you were just an overbearing parent, but now I realize you were just preparing me for the real world.” – Unknown

“Mom, I wouldn’t be the person I am today if it weren’t for your unwavering support… and your unwelcome advice.” – Unknown

“To my original best friend: thank you for always being there, even when I made terrible fashion choices.” – Unknown

“Dear Mom, I promise to never divulge your secret dance moves in public… as long as you promise not to record them and post them online.” – Unknown