“Selfishness is not living as one wishes to live, it is asking others to live as one wishes to live.” – Oscar Wilde

“Selfish people only think of their own interests and disregard the feelings and needs of others.”

“Selfishness is the root of all evil.” – Charles Dickens

“Selfishness is the greatest curse of the human race.” – William E. Gladstone

“The selfish person is not interested in the well-being of others, only in their personal gain.”

“Selfishness is a destructive trait that damages relationships and breeds discontent.”

“Selfish individuals are always looking for ways to benefit themselves at the expense of others.”

“A selfish person cannot experience true happiness because they are always focused on themselves.”

“The selfish person only cares about their own needs and desires, without considering the impact on others.”

“Selfishness is a lack of empathy and compassion for others.”

“Selfish people are unable to truly love and care for others because of their self-centered nature.” WIFE ANGRY WITH HUSBAND QUOTES

“Selfishness is a form of self-sabotage, ultimately leading to loneliness and isolation.”

“Selfish people often end up alone, as their self-centeredness pushes others away.”

“True happiness comes from selflessness, not selfishness.”

“Selfish people may appear successful, but they are often the unhappiest individuals.”

“Selfishness is a choice, and it is a choice that destroys relationships and causes pain.”

“A selfish person is always thinking about what they can get, rather than what they can give.”

“Selfishness is a poison that spreads negativity and dissatisfaction.”

“Selfishness is a sign of immaturity, as it demonstrates a lack of consideration for others.”

“The selfish person may gain in the short term, but they lose out on the true blessings of life.”

“Selfishness is a character flaw that can be overcome through self-reflection and personal growth.”