“I’m not the hero, I’m the one who will kill the hero!” – Adheera

“The blood that flows through my veins is not my own, it’s the blood of the oppressed!” – Rocky

“In this world, you either lose your life or your dreams. I have chosen to sacrifice my own life, just for my dreams.” – Rocky

“There is no hero without a villain. I will be the villain that the world fears.” – Adheera

“When the blood of the oppressed cries out, it creates a storm that will shake the very foundations of this world!” – Rocky

“A true warrior fights not for himself, but for the ones he loves and the ones he has lost.” – Rocky

“I am the storm that will bring destruction to those who have wronged me and my people.” – Adheera

“I don’t fight for victory, I fight for the ones who have lost everything!” – Rocky

“The path to greatness is not for the weak-hearted. It is only for those who are willing to sacrifice everything.” – Adheera

“When the world pushes you down, you must rise up and show them the power within you.” – Rocky

“Fear is a weapon, and I am not afraid to use it.” – Adheera

“I will not bow down to anyone, for I am the one who will rule this world.” – Rocky

“Sometimes, the price of freedom is bloodshed. I am willing to pay that price.” – Rocky

“In this game of life and death, there are no second chances. You either win or lose.” – Adheera

“They tried to bury me, little did they know I was a seed.” – Rocky YOU ARE NOT THE SAME PERSON QUOTES

“Power is not given, it is taken. And I will take it all.” – Adheera

“The fire within me burns brighter than the pain that surrounds me.” – Rocky

“I am the storm that will wash away all the sins of this world.” – Adheera

“In the darkness of despair, I found strength. And with that strength, I will conquer.” – Rocky

“I am the voice of the voiceless, the hope of the hopeless.” – Rocky

“The scars on my body are a testament to the battles I have fought and the victories I have won.” – Rocky

“Hate may fuel my actions, but love is what will drive me towards victory.” – Adheera

“There is no honor in defeat. I will fight until my last breath.” – Rocky

“The journey may be tough, but the destination is worth it. I will keep fighting.” – Rocky

“I am not a man, I am an idea. An idea that cannot be killed.” – Rocky

“Every setback is an opportunity to come back stronger than ever before.” – Rocky

“They say revenge is a dish best served cold. I say revenge is a dish that must be devoured.” – Adheera

“I will carve my name in history, not with words, but with my actions.” – Rocky