“I love summer, except for when it’s so hot that Satan himself is sunbathing.”

“Bad weather always appears to have impeccable timing, like it’s synchronized with my outdoor plans.”

“Weather forecasters are the only people who can be wrong 90% of the time and still keep their job.”

“I don’t need a personal trainer, I just need someone to follow me around and motivate me to go outside when it’s raining.”

“I’m no meteorologist, but I can easily predict bad weather by looking at my frizzy hair in the mirror.”

“There’s something oddly comforting about staying indoors and watching the rain, as long as it’s not leaking through my roof.”

“Rainy days are nature’s way of reminding us that we’re not in control and it’s time to binge-watch Netflix in our PJs.”

“I’m convinced that the weather app is judging me based on how often I check it and purposely decides to mess with me.”

“Bad weather makes me appreciate the invention of fuzzy slippers and cozy blankets.”

“Summer bodies are made in the winter, but so are excuses to avoid going outside in bad weather.”

“I’m like a superhero, but instead of saving people, I save myself from having to put on pants when it’s cold outside.”

“If only I could harness the energy spent complaining about bad weather and convert it into warmth.”

“I don’t mind jogging in the rain, as long as it’s raining money.”

“When it’s raining, my car becomes a submarine in a sea of 5 o’clock traffic.” INSPIRATIONAL QUOTES ABOUT FRIENDS FRIENDSHIP

“The sound of thunder terrifies me, but the sound of my stomach rumbling during a storm is just a gentle reminder to order pizza.”

“I find it commendable how bad weather can bring out my inner procrastinator.”

“In bad weather, I become a social butterfly – I find solace in avoiding people and staying indoors.”

“If you’re feeling blue, just remember that somewhere, someone’s umbrella is probably flying inside out.”

“Weather complaints are a universal language, spoken by people all over the world.”

“When bad weather ruins my outdoor plans, I try to convince myself that staying indoors is my new adventurous lifestyle.”

“I thought winter was a great time to get in shape, until I realized my favorite exercise is hibernation.”

“Bad weather can sometimes bring out the inner artist in me, like when I attempt to draw a smiley face in the fog on my window.”

“The weatherman is like the world’s most disappointing magician – always promising sunny skies, but never actually delivering.”

“I don’t mind bad weather; it’s a perfect excuse to embrace my inner couch potato and binge-watch my favorite shows.”

“Rain, rain, go away. Come again when I can blame it on my ex’s bad luck, just to make my day.”

“Bad weather brings out my true talent – being an Olympic-level napper.”

“I aspire to be a weatherman – imagine having the power to be wrong most of the time and still get paid!”