“When I care about someone, I don’t want to let them go. That’s when I get scared – when they mean something to me.” – Alec Lightwood, City of Bones

“We all have something dark in our pasts. It’s how we deal with it that defines us.” – Alec Lightwood, City of Ashes

“Sometimes the bravest thing you can do is admit your fears and ask for help.” – Alec Lightwood, City of Glass

“Love is not always easy, but it’s worth fighting for.” – Alec Lightwood, City of Fallen Angels

“Don’t let your fear of rejection keep you from taking chances in love.” – Alec Lightwood, City of Lost Souls

“Family is not just blood, it’s the people who are there for you, no matter what.” – Alec Lightwood, City of Heavenly Fire

“You don’t have to be perfect to be worthy of love.” – Alec Lightwood, Lady Midnight

“Sometimes the hardest person to forgive is yourself.” – Alec Lightwood, Lord of Shadows

“Don’t underestimate the power of loyalty.” – Alec Lightwood, Queen of Air and Darkness

“True strength comes from accepting your flaws and embracing who you are.” – Alec Lightwood, The Red Scrolls of Magic

“Love is not a weakness, it’s a strength.” – Alec Lightwood, Chain of Gold

“No matter what the world throws at you, hold onto hope. It’s what keeps us going.” – Alec Lightwood, Chain of Iron

“Sometimes the right choice is not the easy one.” – Alec Lightwood, Chain of Thorns

“You were born to do great things, don’t let anyone make you believe otherwise.” – Alec Lightwood, The Lost Book of the White

“The strength to fight doesn’t always come from physical power, but from the love and support of those around you.” – Alec Lightwood, The Black Volume of the Dead

“Sometimes the best way to find yourself is by losing yourself in something you love.” – Alec Lightwood, The Silver Mask QUOTE ABOUT LAUGHTER WITH FRIENDS

“Don’t be afraid to show vulnerability. It’s what makes us human.” – Alec Lightwood, The Golden Tower

“The bonds of friendship are unbreakable when built on trust and love.” – Alec Lightwood, The Wicked Powers: Book One

“Life is too short to hold grudges. Forgive, forget, and move on.” – Alec Lightwood, The Wicked Powers: Book Two

“Every choice we make has consequences, but it’s up to us to learn from them and grow.” – Alec Lightwood, The Wicked Powers: Book Three

“Sometimes the hardest battles are fought within our own minds.” – Alec Lightwood, Ghosts of the Shadow Market

“Don’t let anyone tell you who you should be. Embrace your uniqueness and shine.” – Alec Lightwood, Ghosts of the Shadow Market

“The power of love is limitless.” – Alec Lightwood, Tales from the Shadowhunter Academy

“Life is full of surprises. Embrace them and let them shape you into a better version of yourself.” – Alec Lightwood, The Mortal Instruments: The Graphic Novel, Vol. 1

“Forgiveness is a gift you give yourself.” – Alec Lightwood, The Mortal Instruments: The Graphic Novel, Vol. 2

“Sometimes the things that make us different are the things that make us extraordinary.” – Alec Lightwood, The Mortal Instruments: The Graphic Novel, Vol. 3

“You can’t control other people’s actions, but you can control how you react to them.” – Alec Lightwood, The Mortal Instruments: The Graphic Novel, Vol. 4

“The greatest courage is not found in battle, but in the vulnerability of opening your heart to love.” – Alec Lightwood, The Mortal Instruments: The Graphic Novel, Vol. 5

“Believe in yourself and your ability to overcome any obstacle.” – Alec Lightwood, The Mortal Instruments: The Graphic Novel, Vol. 6

“You have the power to create your own destiny. Don’t let anyone else dictate your future.” – Alec Lightwood, The Mortal Instruments: The Graphic Novel, Vol. 7