“It’s Friday, and I’m ready to enjoy every second of this precious weekend.” – Anonymous

“Friday is like a superhero that always arrives just in time to save the day from the boring workweek.” – Anthony T. Hincks

“Friday: The golden child of the weekdays.” – Anonymous

“Cheers to the freakin’ weekend!” – Rihanna

“Friday night is our date night. We really carve out time for each other.” – Karen Kain

“Friday is a day to finish your goals for the week. It is a day to celebrate that which you set out to accomplish at the beginning of the week.” – Byron Pulsifer

“Friday is the perfect day to start dreaming about the adventures you’ll have during the weekend.” – Anonymous

“Hands up if you’re ready to do something you’ll regret this weekend.” – Anonymous

“Friday is a day to finish strong, to make progress, and to reach for your goals. It’s a day to be proud of what you’ve achieved during the week.” – Anonymous

“Friday is a day to finish work as fast as possible so you can start doing what you actually want to do.” – Anonymous

“Friday is the day to fill your heart with joy and your weekend with a lot of love.” – Unknown BROKEN HEART QUOTES AND SAYINGS

“I haven’t been this excited about Friday since last Friday.” – Anonymous

“Fri-nally, Friday is here!” – Anonymous

“Finish your week strong so you can have an amazing weekend.” – Ralph Marston

“Friday is a day to remind yourself to be grateful for being alive, to appreciate the beautiful moments in life, and to cherish the time spent with loved ones.” – Anonymous

“When you leave work on Friday, leave work. Don’t let technology follow you throughout your weekend (answering text messages and e-mails) take a break, you will be more refreshed to begin the workweek if you have had a break.” – Catherine Pulsifer

“The weekend is upon us, and I think we should all take this opportunity to do something kind for ourselves. Take some time to relax, unwind, and recharge. You deserve it!” – Anonymous

“Friday is like a reward for getting through the week.” – Anonymous

“You know it’s Friday when you’re excited for the weekend to begin and dreading Monday at the same time.” – Anonymous

“Friday is not just another day of the week. It’s the most expected and beloved day of the week when we can finally relax, have fun, and enjoy life.” – Anonymous

“Friday is a day to be productive and finish strong so that you can enjoy the weekend with a clear mind and a fulfilled heart.” – Anonymous