“They said they would kill every educated person. They said they would send workers to kill them, peasants to kill them, men and women.”

“They were in power now and they could do whatever they wanted.”

“First they killed my father, and then they killed my mother, and brother, and sister. They killed everyone.”

“The killing fields were a place where people were taken to be killed, but no one knew where they were.”

“They said that if I didn’t work, they would kill me too.”

“The Khmer Rouge took everything from us – our homes, our belongings, our dignity.”

“We had to pretend to be someone else, someone who didn’t know how to read or write, someone who would do whatever they were told.”

“The Khmer Rouge soldiers carried guns, but they were just kids, like me.”

“They said we were enemies of the state, but we had done nothing wrong.”

“Every day was a struggle to survive, a battle against hunger and fear.”

“They forced us to work in the fields from sunrise to sunset, with no rest or time for ourselves.”

“We lived in constant fear of being caught and killed. There was no escape.”

“They tried to erase our culture, our language, our identity. They wanted to create a new society, a communist utopia.”

“Sometimes I wondered if death would be a relief, if it would finally bring an end to the suffering.” QUOTES ABOUT FALLING IN LOVE WITH YOUR BEST GUY FRIEND

“But deep down, I knew I had to keep fighting, keep surviving, for my family and for myself.”

“I saw things that no child should ever see – bodies piled high, blood running in the streets.”

“I learned to bury my emotions deep inside, to hide my pain and sorrow from the world.”

“The Khmer Rouge believed in absolute control, in maintaining power through fear and violence.”

“They took pleasure in our suffering, in seeing us broken and defeated.”

“But they couldn’t break our spirit, our will to survive and fight for a better future.”

“In the midst of darkness, I found strength and resilience.”

“I learned to cherish the smallest joys, the brief moments of happiness amidst the chaos.”

“We clung to hope, to the belief that one day the nightmare would end.”

“Despite the horrors I witnessed, I still believe in the power of love and compassion.”

“We must never forget the atrocities of the past, for it is through remembrance that we can build a better future.”

“First They Killed My Father is a testament to the strength of the human spirit, to the resilience of the human soul.”