“She was claiming elaborate fine feelings and scruples that were simply absurd in a girl in her position.” – Mr. Birling

“I think she had only herself to blame.” – Mrs. Birling

“Why shouldn’t they try for higher wages? We try for the highest possible prices.” – Mr. Birling

“But these girls aren’t cheap labour, they’re people.” – Sheila

“It frightens me the way you talk.” – Sheila

“I don’t dislike you as I did half an hour ago, Gerald. In fact, in some odd way, I rather respect you more than I’ve ever done before.” – Sheila

“Public men, Mr. Birling, have responsibilities as well as privileges.” – Inspector Goole

“You see, we have to share something. If there’s nothing else, we’ll have to share our guilt.” – Inspector Goole

“There are a lot of young women living that sort of existence, Miss. Eva Smith was one of them.” – Inspector Goole

“Well, he inspected us all right. And don’t let’s start dodging and pretending now.” – Sheila

“We don’t live alone. We are members of one body. We are responsible for each other. And I tell you that the time will soon come when, if men will not learn that lesson, then they will be taught in fire and blood and anguish.” – Inspector Goole SHORT FUNNY NEW YEAR QUOTES

“And I say the girl’s dead and we all helped to kill her.” – Eric

“But these girls aren’t just cheap labour. They’re people.” – Sheila

“He’s giving us the rope – so that we’ll hang ourselves.” – Mrs. Birling

“You’re beginning to pretend now that nothing’s really happened.” – Inspector Goole

“If he did, thousands and thousands of young men would never go to war.” – Eric

“But these girls aren’t cheap labour, they’re people.” – Sheila

“You’re not the kind of father a chap could go to when he’s in trouble.” – Eric

“I’m sorry she should have come to such a horrible end. But I accept no blame for it at all.” – Mrs. Birling

“You see, I was absolutely frightened. I’d been crying when I went in. But I’ve stopped now.” – Sheila

“We all helped kill her.” – Sheila