“Forget about love, let’s play paintball!”

“I may not be the fastest runner, but I can sure dodge a paintball like a pro!”

“Nothing feels more satisfying than hitting your best friend with a perfectly aimed paintball shot.”

“In paintball, we don’t call it ‘getting hit,’ we call it ‘colorful battle scars’.”

“Paintball: the only sport where it’s socially acceptable to shoot your friends for fun.”

“If you can dodge a paintball, you can dodge anything…except your responsibilities.”

“Paintball tip: when in doubt, shoot first and ask questions later.”

“You can tell a lot about a person by how they react to being hit by a paintball.”

“Paintball: the perfect way to release your stress and anger…on someone else.”

“I like my paintballs like I like my coffee: full of energy and aiming for your face.”

“Paintball is the closest thing to a real-life video game…with more bruises.” QUOTES ABOUT SOLDIERS SACRIFICE

“Paintball strategy: when in doubt, unleash a hailstorm of paint.”

“Paintball: the sport where camouflage becomes fashion.”

“Why pray for peace when you can play paintball?”

“Sometimes I think paintball would be more enjoyable if it didn’t hurt so much…but then I remember the satisfaction of nailing someone with a perfect shot.”

“Paintball players: the real-life action heroes.”

“In paintball, there are no winners or losers…just colorful victors and slightly more colorful victims.”

“The only thing more intense than a paintball battle is the debate over who cheated.”

“Paintball brings out the best in people…and the worst.”

“Playing paintball is like being in a war movie, except you get to yell ‘I got you!’ instead of ‘Cut!’.”

“Don’t be afraid of getting hit in paintball, be afraid of running out of ammo!”