“I never knew that silence could speak so loudly until your actions screamed betrayal.”

“Trust takes years to build, seconds to break, and forever to repair.”

“It hurts when the people who know you the best can hurt you the most.”

“It’s sad when the ones who gave you the best memories become a memory themselves.”

“Sometimes the people you thought you’d take a bullet for are the ones behind the trigger.”

“You always said you’d be there for me, but when I needed you the most, you were nowhere to be found.”

“It’s ironic how the people who claim they will never hurt you always end up causing the most pain.”

“It’s one thing to lose someone you never really had, but it’s another to lose someone you thought you had.”

“The pain of betrayal cuts the deepest when it comes from those closest to your heart.”

“True friends are like stars, you don’t always see them, but you know they’re always there. Yet, somehow, you managed to be a shooting star.”

“When friends turn into strangers, it’s like losing a part of yourself you never knew you needed.” APRIL FOOLS DAY QUOTES FUNNY

“The saddest part about betrayal is that it never comes from your enemies, but from those you trusted the most.”

“I didn’t lose a friend; I just realized I never really had one.”

“It’s better to have an honest enemy than a fake friend who only pretends to be your ally.”

“Sometimes the most painful lessons are taught by people you thought you’d never learn from.”

“The worst wounds are the ones that leave scars on your heart, not on your skin.”

“The pain of losing friends is like a dark cloud that hovers over everything you do.”

“I never expected you to break my heart; I thought you were the one who would help heal it.”

“A true friend wouldn’t purposely cause you pain; they’d be the one to help you through it.”

“You know it’s a dark day when tears outnumber the smiles, and it’s all because of someone who claimed to be a friend.”