“Excellence is not a skill, it’s an attitude.” – Ralph Marston

“Excellence is doing ordinary things extraordinarily well.” – John W. Gardner

“The way to achieve excellence is to do a common thing in an uncommon way.” – Booker T. Washington

“Excellence is the gradual result of always striving to do better.” – Pat Riley

“Quality is not an act, it is a habit.” – Aristotle

“Strive for excellence, not perfection.” – H. Jackson Brown Jr.

“Excellence is not about being perfect; it is about always giving your best effort.” – Unknown

“The secret of joy in work is contained in one word – excellence. To know how to do something well is to enjoy it.” – Pearl S. Buck

“Excellence is not being the best; it is doing your best.” – Unknown

“Excellence is not an option; it is a necessity.” – Unknown

“Excellence is the result of caring more than others think is wise, risking more than others think is safe, dreaming more than others think is practical, and expecting more than others think is possible.” – Ronnie Oldham

“Excellence is not a destination; it is a continuous journey that never ends.” – Brian Tracy BEST BORDERLANDS 2 QUOTES

“Excellence is not found in success, but in the relentless pursuit of it.” – Unknown

“Excellence is always striving to exceed what you think you can achieve.” – Pat Riley

“The will to win, the desire to succeed, the urge to reach your full potential… these are the keys that will unlock the door to personal excellence.” – Confucius

“The quality of a person’s life is in direct proportion to their commitment to excellence, regardless of their chosen field.” – Vince Lombardi Jr.

“Excellence is the unlimited ability to improve the quality of what you have to offer.” – Rick Pitino

“Don’t be satisfied with mediocrity. Strive for excellence in everything you do.” – Unknown

“Excellence is not just about meeting expectations; it’s about surpassing them.” – Unknown

“Excellence is not an accident, it is a result of high intention, sincere effort, and intelligent execution.” – Unknown

“Dream big, work hard, stay focused, and surround yourself with good people who believe in you and your plans. Strive for excellence in everything you do.” – Nicholas Sparks

“The pursuit of excellence is gratifying and healthy. The pursuit of perfection is frustrating, nuerotic, and a terrible waste of time.” – Edwin Bliss

“Excellence is not for the elite few; it is a choice that we all have the power to make.” – Unknown