“It hurts when you realize you’re not as important to someone as you thought you were.”

“Sometimes, being taken for granted can make you feel like the most insignificant person in someone’s life.”

“When you’re not a priority in someone’s life, it’s time to reevaluate your role in their story.”

“The saddest part of not feeling like a priority is realizing that you were the only one putting effort into the relationship.”

“You deserve someone who will make you a priority, not someone who treats you as an afterthought.”

“It’s painful when the person you love doesn’t see your worth and constantly overlooks you.”

“Being in a relationship but still feeling invisible is one of the loneliest feelings in the world.”

“Don’t settle for someone who only gives you attention when it’s convenient for them. You deserve better.”

“You should never have to beg for someone’s attention or affection. You should be their natural priority.”

“If you’re not a priority, it’s time to move on and find someone who will make you feel like the most important person in their life.”

“Feeling like a second choice is soul-crushing. Don’t let anyone make you feel that way.”

“Sometimes, it’s better to be alone than to be in a relationship where you’re constantly made to feel unimportant.” HELPING A DEPRESSED PERSON QUOTES

“Never make someone a priority in your life when you’re merely an option in theirs.”

“Being in a relationship where you’re always last on their list of priorities is simply not worth it.”

“The sad truth is that some people will never truly value your presence until you’re gone.”

“Don’t drown yourself in someone who only sees you as a drop in the ocean. Find someone who would create ripples for you.”

“It’s heartbreaking when you give your all to someone who only gives you a fraction of their time and attention.”

“A relationship without reciprocity will leave you feeling empty, unappreciated, and insignificant.”

“Remember, it’s not selfish to prioritize yourself. You deserve to be someone’s top priority too.”

“Don’t disregard your worth and settle for being an option. Choose to be with someone who will always prioritize you.”

“You deserve someone who will consistently choose you, not someone who makes you feel like a backup plan.”

“Feeling like a priority is not too much to ask for in a relationship. If they can’t give you that, it’s time to let go.”

“Don’t let the fear of being alone keep you in a relationship where you feel constantly overlooked. You deserve more.”