“A true friend stabs you in the front.” – Oscar Wilde

“I may not be perfect, but at least I’m not fake.”

“If you don’t have anything nice to say, come sit with me.”

“I’m sorry, I don’t speak idiot.”

“Hating me won’t make you pretty.”

“The trash gets picked up tomorrow. Be ready.”

“I’d love to see things from your perspective, but I can’t seem to get my head that far up my ass.”

“If only closed minds came with closed mouths.”

“I never insult people, I only tell them what they are.” – Charles Bukowski

“I’m not a bitch, I’m the boss.”

“Your insecurities are showing, sweetie.”

“Some people just need a high-five in the face with a chair.”

“If you don’t like me, take a map, get a car, drive to Hell – it’s paved with good intentions.”

“Don’t mistake my kindness for weakness. I’m nice to everyone, but when someone crosses the line, they better watch out.”

“I’m really not what you think, but hey, delusion is a wonderful thing.” CHRIS ROCK QUOTE WILL SMITH

“If I wanted to hear from an idiot, I would have given you a call.”

“I don’t have the energy to pretend to like you.”

“You’re a grey sprinkle on a rainbow cupcake.”

“Not everyone has to like me. I can’t force you to have good taste.”

“Common sense is like deodorant – those who need it the most never use it.”

“You may think you’re special, but annoying people is not a superpower.”

“I’m not a mirror, so if you don’t like what you see, too bad.”

“I’m allergic to stupidity, I break out in sarcasm.”

“I’m not rude, I just have a low tolerance for bullshit.”

“Is your drama going to have an intermission soon? I have other things to do.”

“You’re the reason they invented the middle finger.”

“I’m in shape… round is a shape.”

“My level of sarcasm is directly related to your level of stupidity.”

“Some people need a high-five. In the face. With a chair.”