“The real beauty is not to see, but to see with insight.” – Rumi

“The beauty of a righteous woman is a reflection of the beauty of her soul.” – Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)

“Beauty is not in the face; beauty is a light in the heart.” – Kahlil Gibran

“The beauty of Islam is that it can make even the simplest act a form of worship.” – Yasmin Mogahed

“The most beautiful thing a person can wear is a smile.” – Unknown

“Beauty lies in modesty and humility.” – Unknown

“The beauty of Islam lies in its teachings of justice, compassion, and equality.” – Unknown

“True beauty is found in kindness, gratitude, and piety.” – Unknown

“The beauty of faith is that it illuminates the soul.” – Unknown

“The beauty of Islam is that it encompasses all aspects of life and promotes balance and harmony.” – Unknown

“True beauty radiates from a heart filled with love and compassion.” – Unknown

“The true beauty of a person lies in their character and actions.” – Unknown

“Beauty is not in the face; beauty is a light in the heart.” – Unknown

“The beauty of Islam is that it encourages continuous self-improvement and striving for excellence.” – Unknown

“Beauty is not defined by external appearances, but by the purity of the heart.” – Unknown

“The beauty of Islam is in its ability to unite people from diverse backgrounds and cultures.” – Unknown KINGDOM HEARTS QUOTES LOVE

“The beauty of a woman lies in her faith, modesty, and intellect.” – Unknown

“Beauty is not about the perfect physical features, but about the inner radiance that shines through one’s character.” – Unknown

“The beauty of Islam is in its emphasis on justice, equality, and compassion for all.” – Unknown

“True beauty comes from within, from having a beautiful heart and soul.” – Unknown

“The beauty of Islam lies in its teachings of love, peace, and harmony.” – Unknown

“True beauty is reflected in the way one treats others with respect, kindness, and empathy.” – Unknown

“The beauty of Islamic teachings is in their ability to uplift and empower individuals.” – Unknown

“Beauty should not be limited to physical appearances, but should encompass all aspects of a person’s being.” – Unknown

“The true beauty of a Muslim lies in their devotion and submission to Allah.” – Unknown

“The beauty of Islam is in its emphasis on inner purity, righteousness, and sincerity.” – Unknown

“Beauty is not restricted to a particular age, race, or physical appearance. It is a reflection of one’s character and actions.” – Unknown

“The real beauty of Islam lies in its ability to provide guidance and meaning to individuals’ lives.” – Unknown

“True beauty is found in contentment, gratitude, and humility.” – Unknown

“The beauty of a believer is that they strive to embody the qualities of compassion, forgiveness, and love.” – Unknown