“God is like a bad politician, promising everything but delivering nothing.”

“If God is real, then he’s certainly a bad CEO of this world.”

“God is a master of disappointment, always letting us down when we need him the most.”

“If God is so good, why does he let bad things happen to good people?”

“God’s plan seems to be filled with bad decisions and misguided intentions.”

“God’s promises are as empty as their ability to solve our problems.”

“If God exists, then he’s doing a pretty bad job of running the universe.”

“God is like a bad landlord, neglecting his tenants and refusing to fix their problems.”

“God’s love feels more like indifference, as he sits back and watches us suffer.”

“God’s wisdom seems to be flawed, leading us astray instead of guiding us.”

“If God is all-powerful, then he’s a bad ruler for allowing so much pain and suffering.”

“God’s justice is arbitrary and unpredictable, making him a bad judge of character.”

“God’s rules are oppressive and outdated, stifling our freedom and individuality.” QUOTES FOR A JEALOUS PERSON

“God’s presence is conspicuously absent in our darkest moments, leaving us to fend for ourselves.”

“God’s mercy is selective, showing favoritism to some while ignoring the cries of others.”

“If God is so good, why is the world filled with evil and injustice?”

“God’s guidance is misleading and unreliable, leading us down the wrong path.”

“God’s forgiveness is conditional, making him a bad source of comfort and solace.”

“If God is loving, then why does he allow so much hatred and bigotry to exist?”

“God’s plan seems more like a chaotic mess than a well-thought-out design.”

“God’s timing is terrible, always arriving too late or not at all.”

“God’s power is impotent in the face of our suffering, making him a bad source of hope and salvation.”

“If God is all-knowing, then he must be aware of all the pain and suffering in the world, which makes him a bad deity.”

“God’s promises are as empty as the lack of evidence for his existence.”