“True friendship isn’t about being there when it’s convenient; it’s about being there when it’s not.” – Ashley Persyn

“Don’t hold on to someone who’s letting go of you.” – Unknown

“Sometimes you have to let go of the one-sided friendships to make room for the meaningful ones.” – Karen Salmonsohn

“Friendship shouldn’t be a one-way street. Both parties should contribute equally to its growth and maintenance.” – Unknown

“You deserve friends who reciprocate your kindness and effort.” – Unknown

“Never chase after someone who doesn’t see your worth.” – Unknown

“One-sided friendships are just a reminder that not everyone you meet is meant to stay in your life.” – Unknown

“Friendships built on one-sided effort are destined to crumble.” – Unknown

“Choose friends who choose you, not just friends who you choose.” – Unknown

“Friendships should be mutually beneficial; otherwise, it’s just an imbalanced connection.” – Unknown

“You can’t force anyone to be a true friend; they have to choose to be one.” – Unknown

“Sometimes the best way to be a friend is to let go of someone who no longer values your presence.” – Unknown

“Don’t waste your time on one-sided friendships; invest in those who cherish your presence.” – Unknown

“Friendship is a two-way street; don’t settle for anything less.” – Unknown WAITING FOR THE BIG DAY QUOTES

“Value those friends who show up for you, even when you’re not able to show up for yourself.” – Unknown

“You deserve a friend who is as invested in your happiness as you are in theirs.” – Unknown

“If a friendship feels one-sided, it’s time to reevaluate its significance in your life.” – Unknown

“A one-sided friendship is like a flower that only blossoms when watered by one person’s efforts.” – Unknown

“True friends will always meet you halfway; they won’t leave you carrying the burden alone.” – Unknown

“True friends don’t keep a tally of favors; they support each other without any expectations.” – Unknown

“Don’t settle for friendships that drain your energy; seek connections that uplift and inspire you.” – Unknown

“A genuine friend is someone who reciprocates your love and support, not someone who takes advantage of it.” – Unknown

“Sometimes you have to cut off those who weigh you down, even if they were once considered a friend.” – Unknown

“Friendships thrive on mutual understanding, respect, and effort.” – Unknown

“You can’t force someone to be a good friend; it’s up to them to choose to be one.” – Unknown

“Make room for those who appreciate your presence and weed out those who don’t.” – Unknown

“You deserve friendships that lift you up, not friendships that bring you down.” – Unknown