“I was at a pottery class, making a vase… for my imaginary friend.”

“I couldn’t have done it officer, I was too busy arguing with my GPS about the best route to take.”

“I was at the gym, testing my theory that eating pizza while on the treadmill cancels out the calories.”

“I swear officer, it wasn’t me. It was my evil twin who has a striking resemblance to me, but with a mustache.”

“I couldn’t have been at the crime scene, I was too busy giving my pet goldfish a bubble bath.”

“My alibi? Well, I was busy perfecting my invisible painting skills. You just can’t see it, but take my word for it, it’s a masterpiece.”

“I couldn’t have been there, officer. I was too busy counting the number of hairs on my cat’s back.”

“I wasn’t speeding, officer. My car has a secret feature that makes it look like it’s going faster than it actually is. It’s called ‘optical illusion mode’.”

“I swear, I didn’t take the last slice of pizza. It was the notorious Pizza Bandit who strikes at random parties!”

“My alibi? Oh, I was busy attending a concert at the Moon. It’s a secret gig, only for aliens and people with vivid imaginations.”

“Officer, I couldn’t have robbed that bank. I can barely handle my own finances, let alone a heist!”

“I couldn’t have been at the crime scene. I was too busy demolishing a mountain of cheeseburgers and fries at the local diner.” ILLUSIONS BOOK QUOTES

“My alibi? Well, I was practicing my telepathic abilities. So technically, I can tell you what I was doing without saying a single word.”

“I couldn’t have stolen the cookies from the jar, officer. My sweet tooth is on vacation, and I’m just the accomplice.”

“I wasn’t running away from the scene, officer. I was just practicing for the Olympics and my event is called ‘The Flee-ing’.”

“I didn’t break that window, officer. My secret identity as the world’s clumsiest superhero made me trip and accidentally fly straight through it.”

“I couldn’t have been the culprit, officer. I was too busy solving a complex puzzle of how to untangle all the wires behind my TV.”

“My alibi? I was at a seminar about the art of time-traveling. It’s such a captivating topic even though I haven’t mastered it yet.”

“I didn’t take that cookie from the jar, officer. It was my invisible friend, who is known for being a cookie monster.”

“I couldn’t have been at the scene of the crime. I was too busy having an intense debate with my pet parrot about the meaning of life.”

“Officer, I didn’t steal that painting. It was just a really convincing fake that wanted a better life outside the museum.”

“My alibi? I was at a therapy session for people who mistakenly believe they are secret agents. Shh, it’s confidential.”

“I couldn’t have been at the crime scene, officer. I was too busy perfecting my synchronized swimming routine… on dry land.”