“My Internet is so slow, it feels like I’m still waiting for the dial-up to connect.”

“Netflix takes longer to load than the actual movie.”

“My Internet speed is like a snail on a treadmill.”

“Sometimes I wonder if my Internet is still loading from yesterday.”

“I have more time to think of witty comments because my Internet is so slow.”

“Buffering is the modern-day equivalent of waiting for a VHS tape to rewind.”

“With my slow Internet, I feel like I’m living in the Stone Age.”

“My Internet speed is so slow, I can actually hear the dial-up tones in my head.”

“I could grow a beard by the time a webpage loads on my Internet.”

“Sending an email with attachments is like waiting for a fax machine to transmit.”

“My Internet is so slow, I’ve considered getting carrier pigeons for communication.”

“I had time to write a novel while waiting for a 30-second video to buffer.” SHORT FUNNY WEED QUOTES

“My slow Internet has given me the patience of a saint.”

“My Internet is like a sloth, taking its sweet time to navigate the virtual jungle.”

“I’ve learned to appreciate the art of staring at a loading screen thanks to my slow Internet.”

“My Internet speed is so slow, I can make a cup of coffee during a download.”

“I’ve mastered the art of multitasking while waiting for a webpage to load.”

“My Internet moves at the speed of a turtle on a cross-country race.”

“Having slow Internet is the ultimate test of one’s patience.”

“My Internet is so slow, I’ve considered sending smoke signals instead.”

“I wouldn’t be surprised if my Internet provider is powered by hamsters on wheels.”

“My Internet’s slowness makes me nostalgic for the days of dial-up.”

“I could write a symphony in the time it takes for a single YouTube video to load on my Internet.”