Here are 27 quotes by St. Thomas Aquinas on free will:

“Man has free will: otherwise counsels, exhortations, commands, prohibitions, rewards, and punishments would be in vain.”

“Man has free will only in those things which pertain to the salvation of his soul.”

“It is necessary for the perfection of human society that there should be men who devote their lives to contemplation.”

“We can reject the good on account of falsehood but cannot desire evil except under the aspect of good.”

“Through humility, an adequate estimate of ourselves is produced, by which we remain both faithful to God and His mercy.”

“Free will is the cause of electing or not electing.”

“Free will is the cause of sinning or not sinning.”

“The sin of Judas was not created by God nor any other creature, but was done through his voluntary free will.”

“Since God wills not all potential things, but only those things that are good for the order of the universe, evil is not from the divine will.”

“Man enjoys the capacity to choose, the power to will, and the freedom to act.”

“Free will is in proportion to reason, and therefore the more perfect the reason, the more perfect the free will.”

“Nothing enters the intellect except through the senses.”

“Free will precedes every act of choice.”

“It is always an act of justice to give to others those things that are theirs.” BEST FRIEND GETTING CLOSER TO SOMEONE ELSE QUOTES

“The free-will must be the cause of its movements.”

“The act of free will is a certain principle of movement.”

“The act of free will follows apprehension.”

“It is proper to the reason to apprehend the universal.”

“It is proper to the will to be inclined to good.”

“The end of the free will coincides with the apprehended good.”

“Evil is not the object of the will, but good.”

“The will is moved by the good apprehended.”

“The good is that which all things desire.”

“Law is nothing else but an ordinance of reason for the common good, promulgated by him who has care of the community.”

“To love is to will the good of the other.”

“Every power moves into its act by the underlying form which is the principle of its operation.”

“The first man had sufficient goodness and free will to preserve his primeval condition, but not sufficient fortitude to keep it.”