“In any moment of decision, the best thing you can do is the right thing. The worst thing you can do is nothing.” – Theodore Roosevelt

“Sometimes the hardest thing and the right thing are the same.” – Unknown

“The hardest choices require the strongest will.” – Unknown

“When faced with two choices, simply toss a coin. It works not because it settles the question for you, but because in that brief moment when the coin is in the air, you suddenly know what you are hoping for.” – Unknown

“To make tough decisions, you must be willing to let go of the familiar and embrace the unknown.” – Roy T. Bennett

“When faced with a difficult decision, flip a coin. Not because it will decide for you, but because as the coin is in the air, you’ll realize which outcome you’re hoping for.” – Unknown

“The quality of your life is determined by the quality of your decisions.” – Unknown

“Difficulties in decision-making are often a sign of inner conflict. Listen to your heart and trust yourself to make the right choices.” – Unknown

“You can’t make decisions based on fear and the possibility of what might happen.” – Michelle Obama

“It’s not hard to make decisions when you know what your values are.” – Roy E. Disney

“Sometimes the right decision is the hardest one to make.” – Unknown

“In the end, we only regret the chances we didn’t take and the decisions we waited too long to make.” – Unknown

“Make a decision. Not making a decision is the worst thing you can do.” – Unknown

“Don’t let the fear of making the wrong decision hold you back from making any decision at all.” – Unknown MONDAY QUOTES NEW WEEK

“When you have to make a choice and don’t make it, that is in itself a choice.” – William James

“Making tough decisions is part of the journey of becoming who you are meant to be.” – Unknown

“Have the courage to make the tough decisions, because they will ultimately lead you to where you want to be.” – Unknown

“Never be afraid to make a decision. It’s better to make a wrong decision than no decision at all.” – Unknown

“It’s okay to be scared to make tough decisions, but it’s not okay to let fear control your life.” – Unknown

“The hardest decisions in life are often the ones worth making.” – Unknown

“Making difficult decisions shows how strong you are.” – Unknown

“Great leaders are willing to make tough decisions even when those decisions are unpopular.” – Unknown

“Take a leap of faith and make those tough decisions, because nothing remarkable happens within your comfort zone.” – Unknown

“Don’t let the fear of making a wrong decision hinder your ability to make any decisions at all.” – Unknown

“When faced with tough decisions, trust your instincts and believe in your ability to make the right choice.” – Unknown

“The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. The same goes for making tough decisions.” – Unknown

“The measure of your success is not based solely on your accomplishments, but also on the difficult decisions you’ve had to make along the way.” – Unknown