“Give up chocolate? Over my melted, gooey dead body!”

“I would give up coffee, but I’m not a quitter… or a morning person!”

“Giving up is always an option, but then so is ordering pizza.”

“I would give up social media, but then I wouldn’t have an audience to share my hilarious memes with!”

“I could give up sweets, but that would push me to the dark side… and they have cookies!”

“I’d give up exercise, but my body is a temple… that needs a lot of maintenance and repairs.”

“I could give up procrastinating, but that would require me to stop doing it later.”

“I would give up binge-watching TV shows, but then how would I stay up-to-date on all the important cultural references?”

“I could give up my smartphone, but then how would people know that I went for a run?”

“I would give up shopping, but I’m not a quitter… especially when it comes to clearance sales!”

“I could give up swearing, but then what the beep would I say?”

“I would give up sleeping, but my snooze button is just too hard to resist.”

“I could give up junk food, but then who would support the potato chip industry?” HOW TO QUOTE SOMEONE IN AN ESSAY EXAMPLE

“I would give up my self-deprecating humor, but I’m just not good enough to come up with a better alternative.”

“I could give up online shopping, but I’m pretty sure that would lead to a wave of empty delivery boxes wandering down my street.”

“I would give up iced coffee, but blended bean water and I are best friends for-ice-ever.”

“I could give up Netflix, but then how would I know what everyone else is talking about?”

“I would give up complaining, but it’s one of the few things I’m really good at.”

“I could give up dessert, but life without chocolate is just a cocoa mess.”

“I would give up being sarcastic, but that wouldn’t be nearly as fun… said no one ever.”

“I could give up socializing, but then who would listen to me tell them how much I don’t want to socialize?”

“I would give up gossiping, but then I wouldn’t know who’s sitting where at the cool kids’ table!”

“I could give up taking naps, but then who would dream up all these amazing nap scenarios?”

“I would give up my sense of humor, but then I would just be stuck with a boring personality, and who wants that?”