“O, my Luve is like a red, red rose, That’s newly sprung in June.” – Robert Burns

“Man’s inhumanity to man makes countless thousands mourn.” – Robert Burns

“We two have paddled in the stream, from morning sun till dine; But seas between us broad have roared since days of long ago.” – Robert Burns

“The best-laid schemes o’ mice an’ men, Gang aft agley.” – Robert Burns

“Here’s to us! Who’s like us? Damn few, and they’re a’ deid.” – Robert Burns

“Some books are lies frae end to end.” – Robert Burns

“A friend is a gift, but a true friend is a blessing.” – Robert Burns

“Suspense is worse than disappointment.” – Robert Burns

“Deal wi’ the faults o’ others as gently as your ain.” – Robert Burns

“There is no such uncertainty as a sure thing.” – Robert Burns

“In my wild erratic fancy, blest with reason, still I can see, Wildly through the storm and winter, that I—myself—am not the be-all and end-all of the universe.” – Robert Burns

“The rank is but the guinea stamp; the man’s the gold for a’ that.” – Robert Burns

“But pleasures are like poppies spread, You seize the flower, its bloom is shed; Or like the snow falls in the river, A moment white—then melts forever.” – Robert Burns FAMOUS AUTHOR QUOTES ABOUT LOVE AND FOLLOWING YOUR HEART

“The heart that’s truly loved never forgets.” – Robert Burns

“The fear o’ hell’s a hangman’s whip, To haud the wretch in order; But where ye feel your honour grip, Let that aye be your border.” – Robert Burns

“Should auld acquaintance be forgot, And never brought to mind?” – Robert Burns

“O wad some Power the giftie gie us, To see oursels as others see us!” – Robert Burns

“An honest man’s the noblest work of God.” – Robert Burns

“The warrior fell, but his lady’s a bride.” – Robert Burns

“A man’s a man for a’ that.” – Robert Burns

“Where love is great, the littlest doubts are fear. Where little fears grow great, great love grows there.” – Robert Burns

“The tree here, my friend, is budding a-new, I’ve seen days o’ winter that warms me through.” – Robert Burns

“But to see her was to love her, Love but her, and love forever.” – Robert Burns

“The gilded monuments that mark the dead are all too often transient as the fading flower.” – Robert Burns

“Be honest to yourself and all mankind. It need no be a better rule.” – Robert Burns