“A successful marriage requires falling in love many times, always with the same person.” – Mignon McLaughlin

“I love you even when I’m hangry.”

“Love is being stupid together.” – Paul Valery

“A relationship is like a walk in the park… Jurrasic Park!”

“Marriage is like a deck of cards. In the beginning, all you need is two hearts and a diamond. By the end, you wish you had a club and a spade.”

“If at first, you don’t succeed, try doing it the way your wife told you.”

“I love you more than pizza, and that’s saying a lot!”

“I knew I found the one when I realized I didn’t mind sharing my chips with you.”

“Being married is like having a sleepover with your best friend every night, except you can’t remember the last time you had a good night’s sleep.”

“Marriage is an endless sleepover with your favorite crime partner.”

“I’m not perfect, but I am perfectly married to you.”

“Love is sharing your popcorn even when you don’t want to.”

“Marriage is all about sharing the TV remote.” TIME WILL PASS ANYWAY QUOTE

“Love is being able to laugh at each other’s bad jokes.”

“Marriage is like a roller coaster ride – it has its ups and downs, but it’s always better when you’re together.”

“I love you more than coffee but please don’t make me prove it.”

“Marriage is finding that one special person you can annoy for the rest of your life.”

“Love is being able to say ‘I’m sorry’ even when it’s clearly not your fault.”

“The secret to a happy marriage: a sense of humor and a short memory.”

“Love is knowing that you’ll always have someone to blame for the burnt dinner.”

“I love you more than the distance between us during a lockdown.”

“Marriage: when dating goes too far.”

“Love is deciding to let your significant other pick the movie even when you know it’s a bad choice.”

“Marriage is like a deck of cards, it all starts with two hearts and a diamond, but after a while, you just need a club and a spade.”

“Relationships are a lot like algebra. Have you ever looked at your X and wondered Y?”