“Having a brother means having someone to blame for all the embarrassing things you did as a kid.”

“Brothers are like built-in comedians – always ready to make you laugh at the most unexpected moments.”

“A brother is someone who can finish your sentences, but more importantly, knows all your embarrassing secrets.”

“Growing up with a brother means constantly fighting over the TV remote, but also having someone to share pizza with.”

“Brothers are like human alarm clocks, annoyingly waking you up with their pranks and jokes.”

“You know you have a great brother when you can share the most ridiculous inside jokes that no one else would understand.”

“A brother is the one person you can rely on to join you in the most absurd adventures and still have the time of your lives.”

“Brothers are the perfect partners in crime, always willing to take the blame with a mischievous smile on their faces.”

“Having a brother means always having a best friend who will never hesitate to embarrass you in front of your crush.”

“Brotherly love is when you can mercilessly prank each other, but still have each other’s backs no matter what.”

“No matter how old we get, my brother will always be the annoying little goofball who makes me laugh uncontrollably.” WHEN YOUR CRUSH LIKES YOU BACK QUOTES

“Brothers are like bungee cords – they annoy and frustrate you, but they also provide the necessary support and bounce in life.”

“The best thing about having a brother is never having to worry about a dull moment in life.”

“Brotherly love is when you can make fun of each other endlessly, but still have an unbreakable bond that no one else can understand.”

“Brothers are like personal comedians – they always know how to lighten up even the darkest of days.”

“Having a brother means having your very own live comedy show that never fails to entertain.”

“Brothers are the only people who can annoy you to the brink of insanity but still manage to make you burst into laughter.”

“Growing up with a brother means growing up with a constant source of humor and laughter in your life.”

“Brotherly love is when you can’t go a day without making fun of each other, but you wouldn’t have it any other way.”

“A brother is someone who can turn even the most mundane tasks into a hilarious adventure – like grocery shopping or doing laundry.”