“Marriage is like a workshop. The husband works and the wife shops.” – Unknown

“A successful marriage requires falling in love many times, always with the same person.” – Mignon McLaughlin

“To keep your marriage brimming, with love in the wedding cup, whenever you’re wrong, admit it; whenever you’re right, shut up.” – Ogden Nash

“Love is blind. Marriage is an eye-opener.” – Pauline Thomason

“Marriage is the alliance of two people, one of whom never remembers birthdays and the other never forgets them.” – Ogden Nash

“Marriage is just 2 people admitting they can’t do better.” – Unknown

“Love is being stupid together.” – Paul Valery

“The secret to a happy marriage is a sense of humor.” – Unknown

“Why not marry someone who you do love? Because then the jokes on them!” – Unknown

“The best way to get most husbands to do something is to suggest that perhaps they’re too old to do it.” -Ann Bancroft

“Marriage is a workshop, where the husband works and the wife shops.” – Unknown

“The secret to a happy marriage is still a secret.” – Henny Youngman

“A marriage is like a deck of cards. In the beginning, all you need is two hearts and a diamond. By the end, you wish you had a club and a spade.” – Unknown

“Getting married is like buying a new car. You think about it all the time, but then reality sets in.” – Unknown

“Marriage is like a hot bath. Once you get used to it, it’s not so hot.” – Unknown I WANT TO GO ON AN ADVENTURE QUOTES

“Marriage is like a walk in the park… Jurassic Park!” – Unknown

“Before you marry a person, you should first make them use a computer with slow internet to see who they really are.” – Will Ferrell

“Marriage is not just spiritual communion; it’s also remembering to take out the trash.” – Joyce Brothers

“My wife and I were happy for 20 years. Then we met.” – Rodney Dangerfield

“Marriage is a wonderful institution, but who wants to live in an institution?” – Groucho Marx

“Marriage: An endless sleepover with your favorite weirdo.” – Unknown

“Marriage lets you annoy one special person for the rest of your life.” – Unknown

“Love may be blind, but marriage is a real eye-opener.” – Unknown

“Marriage is the only war where you sleep with the enemy.” – Gary Busey

“They say marriage is a merging of two souls, but I think it’s more like a merger of two banks.” – Unknown

“Marriage is all about give and take. You’d better give it to her or she’ll take it anyway.” – Joey Adams

“Marriage is a relationship in which one person is always right, and the other is the husband.” – Unknown

“I asked my wife, ‘Where do you want to go for our anniversary?’ She said, ‘Somewhere I’ve never been!’. I said, ‘How about the kitchen?’.” – Unknown

“Behind every great man is a woman rolling her eyes.” – Jim Carrey