“Some people are only around you during sunny days, but as soon as storms come, they disappear.”

“Seasonal friends come and go with the changing weather, but true friends stick around all year long.”

“Fair-weather friends are like leaves in autumn, falling away when the wind blows.”

“The true test of friendship is not in the good times, but in the difficult seasons when you need support.”

“True friends are the ones who stay by your side through all the seasons of life.”

“Don’t waste your time on friends who only show up when it’s convenient for them.”

“Seasonal friends are like the changing leaves, vibrant and present for a short time, then gone with the wind.”

“The changing seasons reveal who your true friends are.”

“True friendship stands the test of time and weather.”

“Seasonal friends scatter like fallen leaves, but true ones stick together like the roots of a tree.”

“A true friend is like a constant ray of sunshine, no matter the season.”

“Seasonal friends are like flowers; they bloom for a while, then wither and fade away.”

“The value of friendship is not measured by its duration, but by the depth of connection.”

“Seasonal friends may bring temporary joy, but true friends bring lasting happiness.”

“A friend who only surfaces during good times is a stranger in disguise.”

“True friends are the ones who remain steady in both the calm and the storm.” QUOTE ABOUT MAKING THE BEST OF COLLEGE

“Seasonal friends are like shooting stars; they dazzle briefly, then vanish into the night.”

“True friends are the ones who still answer your call, no matter the season.”

“Seasonal friends are like fleeting summer flings, gone as quickly as they come.”

“The company you keep should be more like the seasons; constantly changing, yet always welcoming.”

“True friends are like the steady rhythm of the seasons; always there, never faltering.”

“Seasonal friends are like snowflakes; pretty to look at, but gone with a warm breeze.”

“Don’t be fooled by the fair-weather friends; their loyalty is no match for the storm.”

“True friends are the stars that guide you through every season of your life.”

“Seasonal friends may bring superficial joy, but true friends bring genuine comfort.”

“Fair-weather friends are like summer rain; refreshing in the moment, but quickly forgotten.”

“True friends are the ones who bring warmth to your heart, no matter the season.”

“Seasonal friends may change with the weather, but true friends remain constant.”

“Beware of friends who only bring sunshine; they disappear as soon as the clouds roll in.”

“True friends are like the seasons; they may change, but their love and support never waver.”