“Laughter is the shortest distance between two people.” – Victor Borge

“Laughter is America’s most important export.” – Walt Disney

“Laughter is timeless, imagination has no age, and dreams are forever.” – Walt Disney

“The human race has only one effective weapon, and that is laughter.” – Mark Twain

“Laughter is an instant vacation.” – Milton Berle

“Laughter is the sun that drives winter from the human face.” – Victor Hugo

“Laughter is the sound of the soul dancing.” – Jarod Kintz

“Through laughter, we connect with others and the world around us.” – Unknown

“Laughter is the language of the gods.” – Peter Ustinov

“Laughter is the key to unlock a happy heart.” – Unknown

“Laughter is the brush that sweeps away the cobwebs of the heart.” – Mort Walker

“Laughter heals the soul and keeps us young at heart.” – Unknown

“Laughter is an instant mood lifter.” – Unknown

“Laughter is the shortest distance between two hearts.” – Unknown

“Laughter is the best medicine for a weary spirit.” – Unknown

“Laughter is the music of the soul.” – Unknown POSITIVE QUOTES FOR SELF LOVE

“Laughter brings people together and creates lasting memories.” – Unknown

“Laughter is the best way to cope with life’s challenges.” – Unknown

“Laughter is the spark that ignites joy in our hearts.” – Unknown

“Laughter is contagious, pass it on.” – Unknown

“Laughter is the antidote to stress and negativity.” – Unknown

“Laughter is the sound of a joyful heart.” – Unknown

“Laughter is the sweetest symphony of life.” – Unknown

“Laughter is a gift we can always give to others.” – Unknown

“Laughter is the sun that brightens even the darkest days.” – Unknown

“Laughter is the fuel that fills our sails and propels us forward.” – Unknown

“Laughter is the secret to happiness.” – Unknown

“Laughter is a celebration of life’s absurdities.” – Unknown

“Laughter is a gentle reminder not to take ourselves too seriously.” – Unknown

“Laughter is the key to unlocking our true selves.” – Unknown